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Dennis Woodruff, 1952 – 2024

Nov 20

1 min read




I have been informed by Scott Michaels, one of my loyal Death Elves, that L.A. character Dennis Woodruff, 72, died last month. Like Angelyne, Woodruff tooled around Hollywood for decades in a series of self-decorated cars, veritable rolling résumés. It’s hard to list his credits, as he claimed to have made hundreds of films, but he seems to have been in Quantum Leap, Moscow Days L.A. Nights, Spaceman, Robocop 2, and Toys, among others. He sold self-produced videos from the trunk of his car (as well as autographs and photos). “I have worked as an actor, director, and producer,” Woodruff told L.A. Magazine. “I became a filmmaker and started by selling my movies from the trunk of my car. I have made 29 movies, from comedy to sci-fi. I have been really famous. But I am ready to be taken seriously. Now I need to be in a big Hollywood movie. It’s still my Hollywood dream.” Some of his work can be seen at

Nov 20

1 min read





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