Yet another voice-over star has died: David Graham, age 99, on Sept. 20. Graham voiced the lower-toned Daleks on Dr. Who, several characters on the delightfully camp Thunderbirds (as well as two Thunderbirds movies), and Grandpa Pig on Peppa Pig; he also voiced characters on Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom, So Haunt Me, Moomin, and Stringray. Born in England but educated in the US, his biggest exposure over here came playing Big Brother on the Apple “1984” commercial. Though best known as a voice-over, Graham also appeared onstage and screen in “in-person” acting roles. Of the endearingly toylike characters and spaceships of Thunderbirds, he said, “Kids live in the real world, so they see ‘real’ things all the time, but I think it’s cool – neat – to see something that’s actually been man-made. There is a difference. CGI has come on so far, watching things like Toy Story is brilliant, but to see something that’s really there…”